Am I ugly as the people say? 
Why don't I have any friends?
Why is the world so hard to live in?
What do I look like in other peoples eyes?
Why don't I have the same colour of the skin as everyone else? 
How can I make others happy?

The questions does not stop. You ask those questions over and over again.
When you don't have any answers, you want to scream out loud or cry.

Bullying? Racism? What are all these?

I don't understand what people get from making others unhappy and upset. Every single one of you there in the world have your own beauty. EVERYTHING IS BEAUTIFUL....

So don't sit there saying I'm ugly say I`m PRETTY or HANDSOME instead. Be strong and face these saddo people around the world. 
Not everyone gets to live and those who do are sooo lucky!

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